The strangest of days to partake in Capital hash run 1894. Firstly, we had FRIZZMARELDA, the wicked witch of the North left to run the circle Secondly, no SEXCHANGE directing traffic with the song o matic in his hand. SEXCHANGE, who rumour has it left Perisher valley very early on sunday morning and hasnt been seen since !!!! Thirdly, we got weather that couldnt make up its mind Fourthly, we were inundated with dirty Masterbaters Fifthly, the moon decided to do a fly by, whilst the circle was on, FFS ! The run itself was a shambles, INFALLABLE obviously had a little bit of a sleep in on monday and decided to set a live hare run whilst pretending that trail had been washed out. Lucky for him there was plenty of trail left over from the Triple Tri event, which we dutifully followed and ended up at the drink stop, in a meadow, being sprinkled on. As LICKALOTOPUSS said "trail was washed out but the lollies were alright" and backed up by TWO FATHERS, who said "The small amount of shiggy, and no trail was off set by the picturesque views and the promise of top nosh" WXgump actually got two rhyming verses in this week, and without the assistance of WXdog who, apparently, has run away. All the Masterbaters were welcomed. All the 1970s porn statrs were welcomed and no dwarves were welcomed. There was a rash of mobile phone abuse, with luminaries such as POOS, ANKLE BITER and COUNT HER FEET being caught. GERBILS was charged for being nude, flys undone and having gay creases in his jeans. There was then a flurry of pocket billiards, with several hashers being caught "Bollock Juggling" FURBALLS was charged with failing to kill DDHD. DISTEMPER was caught serving up lollies with pubic hairs in the packet. MEAT presented WXMAN with a red pork pie hat. CRYING DICK has put the first dent in his new car. DATE DIVER was charged for trying to tell a long story, ala BETTY BOOP. DISTEMPER was dragged into the circle and humiliatingly told that he didnt have an arse !!!WTF !!! After 12 failed attempts to get RAMBO into the circle, finally a successfull green jeans charge. CRYING DICK was presented with a hernia belt which he had left at a hash run some time ago. COUNT HER FEET launched into a tirade of swaheely which had everyone nodding as if they understood, but they were just being polite. Theres another charge which has disappeared into the hash ether, never to be heard of again !!! FRIZZY was charged with providing shit weather on sunday so a recovery run was impossible and so she got to finish the book she was reading (Thirty spells to cast upon the male of the species). COCK and BURN was asked to take one for his well coiferred mustache. HORNBLOWER and ANKLE BITER were charged for stalking GERBILS. FLIUD MOVEMENT for piss paddling. COCK and BURN for having a little willy. RAMBO for rudeness. Cracker of the week was awarded to DDHD for getting up the hills on the run at a cracking pace. The Masterbaters managed to get there anthem in. The moon disrupted the circle and it was pointed out that FLUMOO and EASY were one year older. Poor quiet demuir little CAPT PUGWASH was picked on by the control freakin bully FRIZZY and accused of being disruptive. WTF. And of course we all celebrated the fact that C and B has now done 54 runs